If you are dealing with a probation violation accusation, we urge you to contact Attorney Derek Archambault about your situation. He understands the gravity of a probation violation and how that can affect your freedom and future. At Archambault Criminal Defense, you can rely on us to be firmly dedicated to finding a solution and protecting your best interests. Attorney Derek started his legal career very young, after being chosen for a starring role in his third-grade dental health awareness skit. From there, it led him to public speaking and oratory that makes him a natural in the courtroom. Our St. Louis Park, MN probation violation lawyer knows that the consequences of criminal accusations are very real, and the impact on people’s lives can be significant. If you need assistance today, please reach out to him so he can begin working for you.
What Attorney Derek Can Do
In the state of Minnesota, probation gives people a chance to reintegrate into society and their communities under specific conditions. Probation allows individuals to avoid immediate jail time, as it hinges on the belief of rehabilitative benefits and opportunity for change. It gives the person a structured environment to show they are committed to following lawful behavior. But the road to completing probation can be riddled with challenges that require them to navigate complex requirements related to employment, avoiding new criminal activity, and attending treatment programs. Our St. Louis Park probation violation lawyer can review your probationary terms and create solutions so that you can avoid facing some of the most severe repercussions associated with the violation.
Why The Stakes Are So High
When someone is alleged of violating their probation, there is the threat of having to serve their original jail sentence. This can be a distressing prospect, especially for those who have made great strides during their rehabilitation. Addressing a probation violation begins with a notification of the supposed violation, followed by a scheduled hearing where the probationer can present their case. This hearing is a critical moment where the person’s efforts, difficulties, and achievements are brought forward. The stakes are high because if there is not a successful strategy for amending the probation violation, the person may find themselves having to serve the jail time they were hoping to avoid.
Archambault Criminal Defense
Along with probation violation cases, Attorney Derek Archambault can take on criminal defense cases related to assault, DWI, drug crimes, and felonies. He offers free consultation for those who are interested in learning more about his services. At Archambault Criminal Defense, you can rest assured that you are in good hands as he creates a strong defense strategy for you. Many people fear that they will lose their freedom and have a tarnished reputation for a criminal accusation. Our St. Louis Park probation violation lawyer is ready to provide protection. For a consultation, contact Derek at your next convenience so he can start working for you.