Nothing in this website is intended to be taken as legal advice. Information provided is exclusively for informational purposes only. Visitors to this site should not act in reliance on this information, as it may not apply to their particular circumstances. Archambault Criminal Defense is not liable for any action, or failure to act, by any person who does so in reliance on information from this site. Individuals with questions about their legal circumstances should contact a licensed attorney for legal advice and guidance.
Because the law is constantly changing, Archambault Criminal Defense cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided, as changes in the law may have rendered previously created content inaccurate. Note also that Archambault Criminal Defense practices primarily in Minnesota State court, and information provided on this site may not be applicable to other jurisdictions.
Viewing this site, using information from it, or having any contact with Archambault Criminal Defense does not create an attorney-client relationship. Any attorney-client relationship will be formed by the express written agreement of the parties only. Please do not send any confidential information to us until a formal attorney-client relationship has been expressly established.